a radical weekend experience

This event has been postponed until 2025.

Activate the fluidity, the speed, and the creative strategy you need to surf exponential change.

Designed & Produced by Claus Raasted, Director of

“This isn’t an event, where you sit in chairs and hear important thinkers speak. YOU are all ‘important’ to the transformative effects of this experience - everyone dives in and engages with each other.” ~ Claus

engage other leaders-in-motion

challenge your “why”

re>wire your assumptions

align your asset potential with your “why”

leverage your relationship capital

Here are some of your fellow travelers.

A neural network of a different kind.

Dream with Brad Booker, as he basks in the glow of his 2024 Oscar© for Best Animated Short, War is Over!, created using an innovative real-time process, poised to upend the time and cost of animation production.

Breakout with Juliette LaMontagne, an innovative learning architect and design thinker who builds startups for enterprises on behalf of Accenture Song. An authentic storyteller, she’s currently writing a book about how sex and psychedelics saved her marriage and her self. Could there be another TED talk in her future?

Create with Nate Siggard, a maker of you name it: artifacts, funnels, transactions, authenticity, businesses, experiences. Curious and imaginative, he puts AI-powered analytic systems and dashboards to work for his clients.

Imagine with David Yarovesky, a feature film director who has always been attracted to villains and stories about people who want to do good but end up doing bad, as illustrated by his film Brightburn. Oh, the horror of it!

Translate with Ellen Eliasoph. She speaks: Chinese, story, immersive entertainment, filmmaking, IP, development, and pan-Asian co-productions. Where’s Ellen? On any day it could be Australia, Paris, Italy, China, Japan, South America, or LA. On Oct 4, it will be Solvang.

Envision with Stanley Chan / Qiufan Chen, an award-winning Chinese speculative fiction writer, as AI becomes the main character in our futures. He asks what part we can play as the immense scale of positive potential unfolds against the many dangers and risks. (co-author of AI 2041: Ten Visions for Our Future)

Forecast with Sonaar Luthra, founder of Water Canary, known the world over for his deep understanding of our planet's water-related climate risks threatening over $40 trillion in economic output. Wisely, the Truman National Security Project has made him a fellow.

Immerse with Louis Alfieri, Principal and Chief Creative Officer of Raven Sun Creative. He’s up for the the ride into the future - we mean that literally, as patent holder of the Ultra Tower immersive media drop ride. He’s led the way in applying 30yrs. of themed entertainment design know-how to consumer brands, such as Lamborghini and Carnival Cruises.

Vibe with Fri Forjindam, as featured in Fast Company’s Women in Design series, a bona fide worldbuilder who promises to never grow up! A business development maven for Mycotoo, whose branded experiences for properties such as HBO’s Bleed for the Throne are award winners.

Evolve with Danny Bilson, Chair of the Interactive Media and Games Division at USC. His impressive winding road, through games, film, television, and live entertainment is mesmerizing.

Redesign with Sarah Szalavitz, CEO of 7 Robot, called on to increase collaboration, inclusion, participation, justice, efficiency, profits, and opportunities. Her role as an accountability architect is a natural evolution from teaching Social Design at MIT Media Lab. “Stories can demand we do better - because we can always do better.”

Sculpt with Damone Roberts, a beauty influencer who paints the world with his non-stop infectious charm, the perfect arch of an eyebrow, and a business savvy envied by many. We can never get enough of Damone.

Bow with Beth Daunis, fresh off her European tour with rock band 5 Pound Horse. She’s a genre-hopping explorer: folk, gypsy, African roots reggae, flamenco, jazz, and funk. Leading up to Oct 4th, she’ll be on a deep dive into the classics with renowned cellist Paul de Jong and pianist Michael Daunis.

Play with Wendy Heimann-Nunes, a champion of immersive and experiential entertainment. She’s a global industry leader, fearless in her “seeing” the future and the strategic leveraging of her clients’ creative and business assets.

Morph with Chris Hill, as he nears completing the last phase of his transition from life in the editor’s chair, shaping films and TV shows, to building out a VR video game studio. His first release is scheduled for launch on the Meta Quest story 2021 Q1.

Move with Mishawn Nolan, informed by her journey from dance to law. She naturally applies choreography principles of alignment and flow to her legal and advisory practice. Movement becomes monetization.

Leap with Emily Aiken, and her bouncy brain springing from now into the super cycle AI storm of change. She explores how brand experiences can surf this big wave, as it gathers speed and mass.

It is Solvang after all!